False Prophets by Billy Bass copyright © 2009 by: Billy Bass
To purchase email Billy Bass - billbass09@gmail.com
In the first chapter Bass refers to the “order of things” that is present in the Scriptures. Its flow and chronology. “The birth of Jesus; His travels; His teaching; the choosing and training of His apostles; and His death, burial, and resurrection are presented in historic detail.” (Bass, pg. 9) He goes on to point out the different types of books in the New Testament canon.
In the second chapter a clear “Warning” is sounded. A clear call for the reader to examine themselves to ensure that they are following The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The second call are the words of Jesus to “Beware of false prophets.” Bass denounces the frauds and charlatans of today which are not necessarily the televangelists. “Most preachers today claim that just about everyone who simply mumbles the name of the Lord shall be saved, but Jesus clearly warns us that not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord” shall enter in.” (Bass pg. 12)
In his chapter on “Baptism” Bass responds to those who believe being “born of water” refers to the amniotic fluid of an expecting mother by saying “Nowhere in Scripture is any reference made to natural childbirth as any birth of water.” (Bass, pg. 32) The call to turn to the Bible for our information about Baptism is made and how did the apostles follow out the commands of Christ. Bass diagrams Matthew 28:19 and reminds us that the Scriptures do not contradict themselves.
In his chapter on “The Holy Spirit” goes immediately to the Day of Pentecost. He reminds us that “speaking in tongues wasn’t a work initiated by the disciples” but it was the Holy Spirit that “caused them to speak in tongues” (Bass, pg. 49) Bass discusses theological tensions in Acts 2, 8, 10, and 19. In Acts 8 the Bible does not say explicitly say that the Samaritans spoke in tongues. Here he gives 5 arguments to consider concerning the Samaritans and this occurrence.
The chapter on “The Trinity” states that “The Father was in the Son, Divinity was in humanity.” (Bass, pg. 61). Here Bass does a great job of exposing the faux pas of the Eternal Son argument. He asks, “Was He an invisible Spirit, the Son of an invisible Spirit? Was He the eternal Son, as the Trinity doctrine declares? What eternal mother would have given birth to this Eternal Son?” Bass rightly concludes that the term God the Son or Eternal Son are not found in the Biblical text. In fact, the notion of eternal and begotten runs contradictory to one another.
One of Bass’s most quotable statements is “What Jehovah was in the Old Testament, Jesus was in the New. Jehovah was the I AM, Jesus is the I AM. Jehovah was the King of Kings, Jesus is the King of Kings. Jehovah was the Redeemer, Jesus is the Redeemer.” (Bass, pg. 71) He also points to the confusion of Trinitarianism by noting the 14th Century depictions of the Trinity and quotes from the 1937 edition of the World’s Popular Encyclopedia which says that the Trinity is “the highest mystery”, “the Jews ad to learn the unity of God”, “not even in the N.T. is the doctrine of the Blessed T. found in its fully-developed form” and that its “expression owes most of all to Greek thought.”
The last chapter covers 21 common arguments with refutation. He discusses such issues as "The Thief on the Cross," "Grace Through Faith," "God Made The Worlds by the Son." and "Elohim is a Plural Word." This book is a perfect complement to any bookshelf.
False Prophets by Billy Bass copyright © 2009 by: Billy Bass
To purchase email Billy Bass - billbass09@gmail.com
To purchase email Billy Bass - billbass09@gmail.com
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